If you are dealing with a pest problem, we can help! At Evergreen Pest Control, we focus on finding what pests are bothering you, and we provide effective treatments to ensure pests will not continue to be a nuisance. Our pest inspection services allow you peace of mind as our team will get to the bottom of the problem. What can you expect from our pest control inspection?
Identification of Nesting Areas
We often find out the solution to pests by looking at the homes and seeking signs of nesting. No matter what type of pest you have had before, we find that other pests are bound to surface. We inspect around the windows and doors and along wall edges for signs of nesting and foraging. Some tell-tell signs of pest infestation include; finding loose dirt or dirt smudges around the walls, food remains, dirt smudges, and more.
Finding Rodent Droppings
If we spot rodent droppings, we will inform you right away. Droppings are normally located near entryways to the home. Not only will Evergreen Pest Control take care of the rodent, we will provide preventative solutions to help keep your family safe from pests.
Urine tends to have a distinct smell, no matter what type of pests leaves it behind. We do recommend professional cleaning of carpeting and other areas in the home to purge your home from the smell. Odors left by other rodents tend to attract more rodents in the home due to odor scent trails.
Damage to Clothing
Several pests tend to explore and destroy when they are in the home. If you have noticed holes in your clothing or large sections of missing fabric, you likely have a pest infestation. Inspection services will address the specific issues you are having, and we can treat fabric and clothing to aid in avoiding additional damage.
Schedule an inspection service with Evergreen Pest Control and finally regain your home and peace of mind from obnoxious pests!